Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013


Seorang pemuda yang belum diketahui identitasnya ini di temukan tewas, kejadian ini terjadi di daerah kec. Cihara kab. Lebak Banten.

Menurut saksi mata menuturkan bahwa kejadian tersebut terjadi pada tanggal 31 Mei 2013, pemuda tersebut diperkirakan seorang pelajar SMP yang sedang melakukan konvoi dalam rangkai merayakan pelulusan. kasus ini masih di tangani oleh pihak berwajib setempat.
mayat ini kemudian di bawa ke RS terdekat untuk dilakukan proses otopsi dan identifikasi oleh tim forensik.

malingping, 01 Junni 2013, rully boriel (@nioboriel)

Jumat, 31 Mei 2013


Rumus Card
Basic Skill Card >>> Complete
Persentase Keberhasilan sekitar 60% - 80%
Spirit + Spirit = Basic Grip (Han +2)
Spirit + Passion = Sprinting (Spd +2)
Spirit + Intelligence = Basic Trick (Drib +2)
Spirit + Loyalty = Legal Vitamin (Phy +2)
Courage + Courage = Zone Mark (Mar +2)
Courage + Passion = Basic Jump (Jump +2)
Courage + Intelligence = Basic Pass (Pass +2)
Passion + Passion = Charge (Tac +2)
Passion + Loyalty = Basic Sensing (Ref +2)
Intelligence + Intelligence = basic vision (Con +2)
Intelligence + Loyalty = Basic Set Play (Spc +2)
*Basic Shoot (SHO +3 SPC +2) = rare card (hanya bisa didapatkan dari fortune box)
Lifestyle >>> Complete
Private Jet : Personal Sponsor + Intelligence + Diving Saves + Intelligence + Spirit
PHY +15 CON +5%
Body Building : Isotonic Water + Courage + Essence of Defense + Courage + Passion
PHY +15 AER +15 CON -30%
WAGs : Personal Sponsor + Passion + Last Breath + Loyalty + Passion
GOLD +25% DISC +2%
Jet Set : Drinking Water + Passion + Spirited Up + Passion + Passion
GOLD +5% DISC +5%
Villa : Bargain Price + Loyalty + Zone Lock + Loyalty + Intelligence
GOLD +10% CND +1%
Apartment : Bargain Price + Loyalty + Zone Lock + Loyalty + Loyalty
GOLD +10% CND +1%
Night Life : Drinking Water + Passion + Drive Shoot + Passion + Courage
TAC +15 MAR +15 CND -50%
AGT-104 : Rare card
REF +25 SPD +25 CND -30%
Player Agent : Personal Sponsor + Intelligence + Direct attack + Intelligence + Loyalty
EXP +5
Holiday : Isotonic Water + Spirit + Spirited Up + Spirit + Loyalty
CND +10% EXP +2
Family Car : Small Discount + Loyalty + Drive Shoot + Loyalty + Spirit
HAN +15 CND +5%
Wine : Isotonic Water + Passion + Counter cross + Passion + Spirit
REF +20 DRB +20 CON -10 PHY -10

Power Play >>> Complete
Persentase Keberhasilan sekitar 40% - 60%
Spirit + Basic Trick = Feint (Drib +4)
Spirit + Basic Grip = Power Grip (Han +4)
Spirit + Zone mark = Man 2 Man (Mar +4)
Passion + Basic Jump = Power Jump (Aer +4)
Passion + Charge = Quick Steal (Tac +4)
Inteligence + Basic Pass = Through Pass (Pas +4)
Inteligence + Basic Shoot = Power Shoot (Sho +4)
Inteligence + Basic Vision = Focus (Con +4)
Loyalty + Charge = Body Charge (Phy +4)
Loyalty + Basic Set Play = Corner Kick (Spc +4)
Loyalty + Basic Sensing = Quick Response (Ref +4)
*Power Sprint (Spd +6 Phy +2) = rare card (hanya bisa didapatkan dari fortune box)
Daily Pro >>> Complete
Drinking Water = basic sensing + legal vitamin + spirit + spirit
(stats : CND +5%)
Bargain Price = Basic Trick + Zone Mark + Courage + Courage
(stats : DISC +5%)
Highly Motivated = Basic Sensing + Zone Mark + Spirit + Spirit
(stats : EXP + 1 )
Small Discount = Basic Vision + Basic Set Play + Passion + Passion
(stats : Disc +2% Shop)
Isotonic Water (CND +10%) = basic pass + legal vitamin + spirit + spirit
(stats : CND +10%)
Personal Sponsor = Basic Jump + Basic Grip + Loyalty + Loyalty
stats : +10% Gold Gain (Challenge))
*Good Deal = rare card (Disc +10% (shop))
MAESTRO >>> Complete
Collapse Dive + Quick Response + Courage + Courage = High Diving Saves (Han +10, Aer +10)
Pedalada + Feint + Intelligence + Courage = Roulette (SPD +10, DRB +10)
El Capitano + Body Charge + Spirit + Passion = Grand Finale (CON +10, PHY +10)
Rabona+ Feint + Passion + Courage = Hocus Pocus (CON +10, DRB +10)
El Capitano + Quick Response + Loyalty + Loyalty = Nationalism (TAC+10, PAS +10)
glancing header + power shoot + spirit + courage = Diving Header (SHO +10, AER +10)
Instep drive + Power Shot + Spirit + Loyalty = Ground Kick (PAS +10, SPC +10)
offside trap + focus + loyalty + courage = Jockeying (MAR +10, CON +10)
Keep the ball + quick Response + Passion + Passion = Sombrero (Ref +10, Spd +10)
Fantasista + Quick Steal + Spirit + Spirit = Past Glory (MAR +10, PHY +10)
Keep the ball + Power Sprint + Passion + Spirit = Possession Football (PAS +10, DRB +10)
*Nutmeg (SPD +15, CON +15) rare card, hanya bisa didapatkan dari fortune box

Advance Play >>> Complete
Persentase keberhasilan sekitar 60% - 80%
Basic Shoot + Intelligence + Passion = Drive Shoot (Sho +4, Spc +4)
Legal Vitamin + Loyalty + Courage = Spirited Up (Con +4, Phy +4)
Basic Shoot + Intelligence + Spirit = First Time Shoot (Ref +4, Con +4)
Legal Vitamin + Spirit + Loyalty = Last Breath (Spd +4, Phy +4)
Basic Pass + Intelligence + Courage = One-Two Pass (Drb +4, Pas +4)
Basic Jump + Passion + Courage = Aerial Attack (Ref +4, Aer +4)
Zone Mark + Loyalty + Loyalty = Zone Lock (Mar +4, Tac +4)
Charge + Passion + Passion = Essence of Defense (Tac +4, AER +4)
Basic Set Play + Spirit + Passion = Direct Attack (Sho +4, Pas +4)
Basic Sensing + Spirit + Spirit = Cross Prevention (Han +4, Aer +4)
Basic Pass + Loyalty + Intelligence = Counter Cross (Spd +4, Pas +4)
*Diving Saves (Han +6, Mar +6) = rare card (hanya bisa didapatkan dari fortune box)
Fantasia >>> Complete
Basic Pass + Through Pass + Spirit + Passion = Rabona (Pas +10, Spd +5)
Basic Sensing + Quick Response + Spirit + Courage = Collapse Dive (Han +10, Ref +5)
Basic Grip + Power Grip + Passion + Intelligent = Keep The Ball (Phy +10, Drb +5)
Basic Jump + Power Jump + Courage + Courage = Glancing Header (Aer +10, Phy +5)
Charge + Body Charge + Courage + Passion = Rough Tackle (Tac +10, Mar +5)
Sprinting + Power Sprint + Spirit + Courage = Kick n Rush ( SPD +10 - PHY +5 )
Basic Trick + Through Pass + Passion + Intelligence = Fantasista ( DRB +10 - PAS +5 )
Basic shoot + Power Jump + Spirit + Courage = Instep Drive ( SHT +10 - REF +5 )
Basic set play + Focus + intelligence + loyalty = El Capitano ( CON +10 - PAS +5 )
Quick Response + Basic Set Play + Intelligence + loyality = Offside Trap ( MAR +10 - CON +5 )
Basic Pass + Feint + Courage + Passion = Pedalada ( SPD +10 - DRB +5 )
*Future Legend (SPC +15, CON+5) = rare card (hanya bisa didapatkan dari fortune box)
Hair Cream (Gold +40%, EXP +5, CND -10%) = Wine +Isotonic Water + Drinking Water + Legal Vitamin +Courage
Volley (Sho + 15, Ref +5, EXP +5, CND -15%) = Sombrero + Instep Drive + First Time Shoot + Power Shoot + Courage
